Every international student who wants to study in Canada has one nightmare: getting a visa denied. And we don’t want that, do we?
A Canadian student visa application may appear easy at first glance, but there are situations when it proves to be complicated. Even though many students believe that gaining a letter of admission is the most challenging step in the pre-study abroad journey, getting a student visa can be challenging.
Sadly, students often have their requests for Canadian visas denied. Many students wish to attend college in Canada because it is such a popular study-abroad option. However, the popularity of Canada makes it far more challenging to obtain a visa due to a large number of applications.
Understanding the typical justifications for Canadian visa rejections can help you increase the likelihood that your application will be accepted and the process will go smoothly. To assist you in addressing your biggest fear, our blog includes a list of common reasons for Canadian study permit rejections.
Canada Student Visa Rejection Reasons
International students who meet all of the requirements for admission and are applying for a Canadian student visa are often confident in their chances of success. Although the applicant meets the academic and entrance standards for the university, a study visa may still be denied. The following is a list of some of the most common grounds for IRCC's denial of a study visa:
#1 Inadequate funding
A very important need for studying in Canada is financial documentation. For the initial year of the program of study, the regulations must have enough funding. The visa application will be denied if the immigration officer believes there is insufficient financial support. Understand what it may cost to live and study in Canada. Creating a budget in advance will completely cover your spending.
#2 Selecting a study course of study that is not appropriate to your past qualifications or expertise
Your study permit application's likelihood of being approved or rejected greatly depends on the course of study you select. The visa officer might not be persuaded that your principal reason for moving to Canada is to pursue education if your study program doesn't correspond with your anticipated career path, prior schooling, or recent job experience. Make sure your purpose statement clearly explains your reasons for selecting that program and how it will benefit your career if your study program is not the natural continuation of your past education.
#3 English proficiency scores
International students who do not speak English as their primary language must provide evidence that they have met the minimum IELTS score necessary to get a student visa to Canada. It is mandatory to provide proof of English language competency regardless of whether you're applying through the SDS or SPP pathway.
#4 Letter of acceptance from an institute other than DLI
For the study permit application, a letter of approval from a Canadian DLI is necessary. The Canada student visa application could be turned down if the applicant's acceptance letter is disputed. The applicants must also fulfill the minimal entrance requirements for the particular institution in addition to receiving a letter of acceptance. The student visa application may be turned down if the visa officer has any questions about the applicant's ability to meet the basic criteria.
#5 Insufficient evidence that you'll depart Canada after completing your education
Visa examiners want to know if you intend to depart Canada after your studies are finished. One of the requirements of your study permit as an international student will be that you cannot continue to reside in Canada illegally after it expires. Even though you might be eligible to apply for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP) or a study permit extension after you graduate, stating that you want to remain in Canada after your studies could result in your student visa application being denied.
#6 Questionable reason for the visit
The visa officer will refuse your request if they do not believe that your intention to study in Canada is sincere. This may occur if you fail to include a statement of purpose that explains why you want to pursue a Canadian education and how the study program in question will help you reach your professional objectives. In this situation, the visa officer could believe that you aren't a legitimate student but rather that you want to work illegally in Canada.
#7 Unaccounted-for gaps in the education or work experience
Your educational background and employment history should be consistent. Your application can be rejected if you had a gap year while in school or were jobless for some time before applying for a student visa. However, it's crucial to clarify any legitimate reasons for gaps in your academic or professional experience in your statement of purpose if there are any.
#8 Backlog of student visa applications.
You can't control how many study permit applications the IRCC is processing at any particular moment, although there are occasions when a backlog can lead to a greater rejection rate. If they are evaluating more applications than usual, visa officials may reject applications for trivial reasons.
#9 Medical or criminal grounds
Your study permit will probably be rejected if your medical examination results don't show that you're in excellent health. If you have already committed a crime or were convicted of one, your entrance into Canada may be rejected. However, your study permit could still be issued if you were a kid (under 18) when the crime occurred.
#10 Lack of documentation
Your study permit application may be rejected if you submit any required documents late, fill out forms incorrectly, fail to explain why you are visiting, or have other application flaws. You must submit your LOA, evidence of financial support, and identification along with a statement of purpose (also known as a letter of motivation) and if you plan to study in Quebec, a Quebec Selection Certificate. Please carefully review the document checklist provided by your local visa office as some nationalities may require additional documentation.
#11 Hiring a non-licensed immigration consultant
Make sure the immigration or educational consultant you hire to assist with your study visa application has been approved by Canada's College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC). Regulated International Student Immigration Advisors (RISIAs) are authorized education advisors who are individually connected to a Canadian university or college.
Watch out for unlicensed immigration or education advisers that promise admission to a Canadian university or recommend giving incorrect information on your application. You must ensure that the consultant you choose is legitimate; if you deal with an unregistered consultant, your student visa application may be denied.
Our final words
Although it may not be as easy and uncomplicated as it may appear, keeping in mind these above-mentioned instructions will assist in assuring a seamless application procedure.
You can get contact our company for professional assistance if you've been denied a study permit or want to apply for one. After rejection, and sometimes after several rejections, we have assisted several students in getting their study abroad dreams come true. This is our area of expertise.
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